In October 1998, several of my online artist friends and I decided to take on a group watercolor project. What we wanted to do, was each of us to paint a watercolor based on a common theme. An interesting exercise--providing for some pleasant surprises--who knew what each artist would come up with. The theme for that first painting was ('Tis The Wind, And Nothing More). That was over seventeen years ago, and the online projects have taken on a life of their own. We have completed 65 projects, all from themes or images, and participating artists have been enthusiastic about the whole process!
I think that art is a risky endeavor in many ways. When we do art, we put a piece of ourselves on display. It is a frightening thing--putting ourselves on display. Will we do well? Will we do poor? What will happen when we set out to create art? It is hard doing the art, and then we have to put it before the public--even more risk. Will we get into a show? Will patrons like what we have done? A chancy thing in my mind.
And that is the reason for this page. You get to sign up for the project and paint. If you find something good in your painting, you can send it along. If things don't work out, that is fine. Put it in the "I learned something file" and forget that you ever signed up, well, remember the next project. But if you like what you have done, you get a free venue for your artwork. Can't beat a deal like that.
The bottom line is that this page will give you a chance to do "something fun and different." It will give you an opportunity to do something you might never have thought of--or were avoiding. We only grow as artists when we get out there and push ourselves to try different subjects and techniques.
The images you see linked below are the final products from the "Watercolor Projects." I hope you enjoy them. If you are interested in participating in a "Watercolor Project," then click on latest project list below and see what is going on.